Saturday, 31 July 2010

Dinosaurs Unleashed at the BIC

Dinosaurs Unleashed is currently on at the Bournemouth International Centre (BIC). We paid a visit and wrote up a Dinosaurs Unleashed Review with photos and planning tips.

Extract: "When we arrived in the BIC there were two large moving dinosaurs in the foyer. These dinosaurs are in a public area so can be viewed without paying. If you're not sure if your children will enjoy the exhibit and you live near by, taking them to see these dinosaurs would be a great way to test the waters.

The kids watched these dinosaurs while I went to buy tickets which was excellent. Luckily there were no queues, but they would have been happy there for a while."

Read more about our visit to Dinosaurs Unleashed at the BIC.

Bolderwood, New Forest, Hampshire

We've just had a lovely afternoon at Bolderwood - New Forest. We saw lots of deer and really enjoyed the forest. We've put together a write up with photos.

Here's an extract: "We've lived near the New Forest for over ten years and visited the forest many times, but we'd never made it to Bolderwood before. We were reminded about it at a stand at the New Forest Show where one of the rangers told us that they feed the deer between 2 and 4 each afternoon and you have a really good chance of seeing them."

Read more about our trip to Bolderwood - New Forest

Friday, 30 July 2010

Payback for Solar pv

We've written a squidoo lens on how to evaluate payback of solar pv panels in the UK. We cover how the government feed in tariffs work. And show how to calculate whether solar pv makes sense for you.

Extract "The UK government has recently introduced Feed-In-Tariffs (FiTs). FiTs provide tax-free, index-linked payments for 25 years. These payments mean that it can actually make financial sense to install photovoltaic (PV) solar panels on your roof. It won't make you rich, but when considered along with the environmental benefits it can be worthwhile.

The potential payout is dependent on many factors. We'll take you through the factors and give figures for some samples systems so you can get an idea of how much money you can make from solar PV."
Read more Payback of PV Solar Panels.

DinosaurEgg Roundup First Post

This blog will provide a summary of what we're up to on the web. With pointers to stuff we've done.

General themes include
- family and children
- days out and things to do with kids
- money saving and value for money
- home automation
- rational approach to life, humanism

Welcome to DinosaurEgg roundup.